Talk with the girl in cafe absolutely about everything about what there is a wish, and that it is really interesting to you. Some pickupers advise to tell various emotional stories which will help to bring the girl to the necessary wave and not to arrange it tiresome interrogations at all about the one as whom it works as whom to study how many at it brothers and sisters, etc.
Certainly, to carry on a conversation emotionally, it makes sense to tell fascinating stories as so you bring the girl in a positive state, thereby summoning interest. But I do not agree that you should not ask the girl on anything. To that there are several reasons:
- The conversation is conducted by two and when tells only one, at the second to it interest can be gone after a while;
- To the girl, as well as any person, there is a wish to be uttered, tell about the merits and give to share the difficulties to her such chance, listen to her attentively and she will trust you, the main thing – do not turn into eternally sympathizing girlfriend, for this purpose accurately designate the intentions by means of touches;
- When the girl tells about herself, you know her better and understand, to properly build with her further communication to drag it to itself in a bed or to create with it the relations;
- If you look for the serious relations, and the girl obviously does not fit into your picture of the ideal spouse, you quickly will understand it during dialogue and will be able quicker to say goodbye to it not to waste the precious time.

Personally, to me happens really interestingly to learn, then my new acquaintance is engaged whether she shares my interests and as spends free time. It is clear, that if I look for the girl for one night, selection criteria will be much lower, than if I wanted to create with it the serious relations. But they will be all the same. Happens so that the young lady is beautiful externally, but it is scary silly. Such girls are not pleasant to me, and I usually finish with them communication, without bringing the matter to a bed even at their desire, of course, if at present I have a constant mistress.
On an appointment in cafe I advise you to relax and speak about what it is interesting to you. Practically all popular subjects will approach: cinema, music, travel, sex, etc. I especially recommend sex and relationship of floors. But here it is important not to go too far not to seem anxious. It is more reasonable to ask the girl that she thinks of these or those things.
Good phrases to start a conversation:
- As you consider, who lies more: men or women?
- Your opinion who changes a thicket is interesting to me: men or women?
- Why girls fight because of guys?
- Why girls are afraid to get acquainted the first?
- Why women want sex more men, but try to hide it?
As you see, each of these subjects is interesting, it can be developed easily and it has sexual implication, but at the same time in itself bears nothing trite. Talking to the girl on similar subjects, you cause in her such emotions as interest, embarrassment, cheerfulness, and allow it to be liberated that is extremely important on an appointment.
Boring subjects, such as computers, cars, IT, the higher mathematics, physics, philosophy and lofty matters which are so interesting to much of us on an appointment it is better to bypass the tenth road. The only exception if the girl herself understands similar subject. And that, I do not advise. For example, if she works in IT sphere, then perhaps and understands the latest computer developments, but also it is quite probable that for the whole day at work she already so about it has a good long talk that computers to it are a pain in the neck and now she just would like to relax and chat about something simple. Present, the girl wants to spend cheerfully time with you and to oversleep, and you begin to tell her about testing of new applications for a latest model of the iPhone. Whether well it is silly?
Remember! If you are allocated with natural virtuosity, you can tell fascinatingly the girl several interesting facts about space or deep-water fishes. It will be good if it is necessary in a subject as will emphasize your versatile development. But it is not necessary to turn all appointment into discussion of a similar subject if the girl is not interested in it. Besides, not the fact that it will not become boring for you to communicate with such girl.